Welcome to my website !


It is a  pleasure to showcase my style and experience as professional photographer.  My goal is to capture the unique personality and beauty of every individual I photograph. I use my studio and location photography, outdoors provides a more natural feel to my images and also gives my clients freedom to be themselves and display a more natural and comfortable look . 

I do all types of photo sessions from Fashion to RealEstate.  In every session I try to get familiar with my client to build trust and confidence between us to ensure almost every picture is great. 

if you have any questions or you're interested in booking a photo session feel free to call me or email me   626.367.9285  upic@urielsanchezphoto.com

Thank you !  

Uriel Sanchez

“Life is just a really long Movie about yourself,
make sure you create a really good character to play your part”


Create Your Vision

Creating your vision is essential in the creative process, beginning with understanding your goals.Consider what you want to capture, whether it's a moment, emotion, or concept. Take the time to visualize the outcome you desire.

To begin, jot down your ideas or inspirations. This can include themes, colors, or specific imagery that resonates with you. Mood boards can be especially helpful in consolidating your thoughts into a cohesive visual guide.

Next, think about the technical aspects. What equipment will you need? How will lighting and composition play roles in conveying your vision? Planning these details ahead of time will streamline your creative process.

Lastly, remain open to evolution. While your initial vision guides you, be willing to adapt as new ideas emerge during the shoot. Embrace the unexpected; often, this is where the most compelling images are found.

With thoughtful preparation and an adaptable mindset, you can bring your vision to life effectively.


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